Does a kohen need to give challah?

What about the kohen himself? does the kohen who is not given workable farmland in the land of Israel have to separate challah as well? It is explained that indeed, the kohen must separate the challah portion from his bread to remove it from it’s state of “tevel” but he is not required to give it to another kohen and in fact may consume it himself (see Ramban and megillat esther commentary, and הלכות גדולות, הלכות חלה).

As explained below, there may arise instances outside the land of Israel where a kohen may actually have the honor of eating challah.  One of the most exciting things about the kohen eating his challah portion outside the land of Israel is him making a brocha בשם ובמלכות on his lot of being a grandson of Ahron HaKohen;

ברוך אתה ה’ אלה-ינו מלך העולם, אשר קדשנו בקדושתו של אהרן וצונו לאכול תרומה

Blessed are you Hashem, our g-d, king of the universe who sanctified us with the sanctity of Ahron, and commanded us to eat trumah

The nussach of this brocha is quoted by the Rambam, the ramah to shulchan aruch yoreh deah 322:5, and הרב בעל ספר האגודה in his הלכות ארץ ישראל.

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