Posts Categorized: מנהגי כהונה Minhagei Kehuna

Eating challah – what the kohen should know

As chazal encouraged challah be given to the kohen in chu”l for him – not to burn – but to actually eat, a minhag encouraged by some of the bigger rishonim, The kohen who chooses to eat the challah given to him (again, this is allowed only in Chu”l as the entire gift is merely…read more

Yom kippur minhagim for kohanim

There are two unique minhagim (customary actions) applicable to a kohen for the special day of Yom Kippur, this article is a brief presentation of these minhagim; Washing until the wrist Generaly, netillat yadayim (negel vasser) performed on the morning of Yom Kipper is done by pouring water only until the knuckles. A kohen however, is…read more

A Kohen Unable to Hold Up His Hands

An interesting question is regarding a kohen who is able to say the brocha yet cannot hold up his hands. In this instance we relate the known story of the war against Amalek where Moshe Rabbenu was unable to hold up his hands – כאשר ירים משה את ידיו וגבר ישראל – hence Aharon stood…read more