Posts Categorized: Vitiligo

Comments on the Jewish Way of Dealing with Vitiligo

A current reader’s thoughts on the book; I was very happy to come across the book “The Jewish way of dealing with Vitiligo.” I’m non jewish and developed vitiligo at the age of 4. I will be turning 30 by the end of this year.  My full body turned white. I have had an intuition that…read more

Vitiligo in children

Rabbi Yissachar Eilenberg, a prominent medieval rabbinic scholar, drew on tannaitic-era literature to compose a list of physical triggers that cause vitiligo in children.

Adamdam (vitiligo classification)

Adamdam is the Torah’s definition of vitiligo with a reddish tinge to it. The term is used to differentiate between the standard appearance of vitiligo; e.g.  in white shades comparable to that of a  moist egg membrane or whiter (up to and including snow white). Adamdam means that the entire vitiligo patch has a uniform reddish tinge…read more

Purification ceremony for צרעת

[boxify theme=”info” cols=”4″ cols_use=”3″]Note: This purification ceremony is Torah-mandated to Jewish people upon rescission of צרעת[/boxify] Once the vitiligo is cured, the Taharah (purifying) process can and should begin the very same day (Sifra metzora ch. 5), even outside the land of Israel (Maimonides commentary to Mishna tractate Nega’im 14:13) the recipe is as follows;…read more


Pisyon -an expansion- is the expanding of a skin nega after the afflicted individual being placed in hesger – quarantine – for a period of seven days, the afflicted is viewed on the seventh day by the same kohen who placed him onto quarantine who decides if the original nega has expanded. Pisyon doesn’t end…read more