The launder process for a nega on a wool, linen or leather garment/vessel is performed on the seventh day of quarantine of the infected garment.
[boxify cols_use =”1″ cols =”2″ position =”right” order =”first” box_spacing =”10 auto” padding =”20″ background_color =”light blue” background_opacity =”10″ border_width =”3″ border_color =”yellow” border_style =”solid” border_radius =”10″ height =”343″ width =”140″ icon =”track_back” icon_position =”120 15″ ]Does the seven ingredient cleaning process depend on the garment owners willingness to go through the trouble of laundering the affected garment? where he wanting to make the garment hefker (ownerless), or just outright burn it, does halacha afford him that right, or must he go through the process the torah specifies?[/boxify]
The process
Based on the torah’s instruction וכבסו את אשר בו הנגע, is sourced in mishna, tosefta and the talmud as being a dutiful process of seven key ingredients; (zvachim 95a, tosefta nidah 8 9);
- רוק טפל fasting spitlle (active ingredient is (bacilliary) amylase)
- מי גריסין chewed pea paste
- מי רגלים urine (active ingredient is ammonia)
- נתר lye (active ingredient is potassium hydroxide)
- בורית common soapwort
בורית, Soapwort, known also as Saponaria, produces a lathery soap that is known to to be gentle. It’s active ingredient is Saponin
- קימוליא Cimolean earth a fine earth used to absorb greasy impurities
- אשלג Potash (active ingredient is pottasium carbonate)
The formula is done one by one, in order, using מי רגלים with each of the latter six, and scrubbing the nega three times with each of the seven (mishna, Talmud zvachim 95a quoting Resh Lakish)

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