Posts Categorized: tumah and taharah

Menuga? Tfillin not required

Ok, a yisroel (or ישראלית, or כהן or כהנת) got a nega, was then seen by the kohen, and pronounced tammei, so what now? Hilchot menuga The Torah details what the menuga is and is not to do. והצרוע אשר בו הנגע בגדיו יהיו פרמים וראשו יהיה פרוע ועל שפם יעטה וטמא טמא יקרא כל…read more

Alopecia Areata and Alopecia Barbae

A nega in the beard or hair, called a nethek נתק, may be what is commonly known as AA or Alopecia areata.

The nethek is a bald patch (not caused by hair picking or shaving) the size of a griss, that may be indicative of immediate tumah, provided that it has at least two thin golden-colored hair strands in that bald patch area.


Pisyon -an expansion- is the expanding of a skin nega after the afflicted individual being placed in hesger – quarantine – for a period of seven days, the afflicted is viewed on the seventh day by the same kohen who placed him onto quarantine who decides if the original nega has expanded. Pisyon doesn’t end…read more

Michve מכוה

The Torah discusses michve right after shchin, michve is an accidental scalding of the skin by fire, boiling water, a red hot iron or basically anything that burns.

The michve alone is not a call for tumah but it, like the shchin, can be a host for the shades of white as well as the discoloring of (at least) two white hairs that indicate tumah.

Shchin שחין

Shchin שחין is the Torah word for the condition known as eczema although shchin is broader in terms that it includes also a discoloring brought on by external sources such as boiling water. Common roots are found in schin and eczema as they both in a sense mean excessive heat, this characterizes what on fact…read more

Bohak בהק

Bohak, a shade of white lesser than the minimal shade of nega’im, is not an indicator of tumah -it is too weak in color. An important detail Bohak is fascinating in the aspect that although it is considered as arresting the advance of הפך כולו לבן since it isn’t white enough and thus can stop…read more

Michyeh (vitiligo classification)

Michyeh, מחיה, is an area inside a nega (any of the four nega hues) that has an appearance of non-affected and healthy skin. Although the michyeh can make its appearance on the interior of the bahereth and its sapachath, it more often appears inside a se’eth nega. The minimal size of the michyeh is כעדשה…read more

Gabachat גבחת

Gabachat גבחת, a baldness at the back of the scalp due to natural causes. In the case of gabachat bladness, the nethek isn’t applicable as the afflicted person has no hair. Thus, the gabachat is susceptible to the standard tzoraath where one of four shades of white make an appearance. In the case of the…read more

Karachat קרחת

Karachat קרחת a baldness at the back of the scalp due to natural causes. In this case, nethek isn’t applicable as the afflicted person has no hair. Thus, the Karachat is susceptible to the standard tzoraath where one of four shades of white make an appearance. In the case of the white appearing, it may…read more

Viewing times for nega’im

On the Torah׳s wording וראהו הכהן ביום השביעי the Sifra interprets ביום literally, by day and not at night. Too, viewing isn’t done indoors nor on a cloudy day. The kohen’s POV There are a few rules any kohen viewing nega’im must be in the know about. Of them, timing -and more importantly proper lighting,…read more