Posts Categorized: Tzoraath

Sapachath ספחת

Sapachat is the lesser shade of nega possibilities. As its name implies (ספחת -“addition” in an inferior way) it is a mere tag-along in terms of whiteness intensity and shine but is nonetheless join-able to the primary whites of se’th and bahereth.{{1}} So, this sapachath, making an appearance adjacent to a se’eth or bahereth is…read more

Nega’im in all era’s and places

Nega’im in all era’s and places implies that the mitzvah of the kohen viewing nega’im applys to בני ישראל independent of where they are geo-located, this is in line with the generality that a mitzvah that is a חובת הגוף applies both in the land of Israel and outside of it.  But, with the exception…read more