Russia Today, A state-funded Russian television network took down an offensive video that ridiculed the air travel restrictions of kohanim along with the standard customs of Orthodox jews.
The video was aired on Tuesday April 5th on Russia Today, also know as RT, the 44-second video was removed by following critical questions by the Hebrew-language news website
The video featured a slideshow of images and newspaper articles from recent years of complications connected to air travel by Orthodox Jews. “Want to make your trip a real adventure?” a caption in the video asked. “Ultra-Orthodox Jews are ready to help out.”
“Rioting on board” can occur when “religious passengers disapprove of in-flight movies,” according to the video. And “while some show their outrage, others find ways of staying safe,” the slideshow read, showing an image of an Orthodox Jew wearing a plastic bag in an airplane “because his faith forbids him from flying over cemeteries.”
According to the video, “some ultra-Orthodox men refuse to sit next to women and this can result in 11-hour delays.”

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