
Pisyon -an expansion- is the expanding of a skin nega after the afflicted individual being placed in hesger – quarantine – for a period of seven days, the afflicted is viewed on the seventh day by the same kohen who placed him onto quarantine who decides if the original nega has expanded.

Pisyon doesn’t end as a tumah indicator after the seventh day, In fact even if The afflicted is given a clean bill by the kohen after the seventh day but the nega expands on, say, the eight or ninth day, the person is pronounced by the kohen as tammei.

Generally, there are four times where the pisyon indicates tumah;

  1. After 7 days of quarantine.
  2. After two weeks of hesger
  3. If the hesger period goes by and the kohen didn’t see him until the eighth or ninth day
  4. If the nega increases in size any time after the kohen examined him and pronounce him tahor.

(Sifra tazria min. Ch. 66 and 116)

A pisyon of a nethek is an indication of immediate tumah and the kohen needn’t even seek thin blond hair to pronounce so.(vayikra 13 36)

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