As per Yechezkel’s prophecy the extended area to the West, East, North and South of the temple will be allotted to the kohanim-leviim sons of tzadok.
The Third Bet HaMikdash is an exciting theme and promise in Judasim. On the holy day of Yom Kippur in the Hebrew Calendar year of 3372 (389 BCE) Yechezkel HaNavi (Prophet Ezekiel) was shown a detailed vision of the allotment of the Land of Israel in the messianic era. Yechezkel was also shown a detailed vision of the architectural plans of the Third Temple along with that of ירושלים החדשה – the New Jerusalem.
The architectural plans of the third bet hamikdash differ from that of the first two temples. Most notable is the increased size of the temple itself and the land allotment around the temple area.
What about Yerushalayim?
Yechezkel prophecized that the city of Jerusalem will relocate to the south of it’s current area. The New Jerusalem will boast 12 city entrances with each one carrying the name of an individual shevet.
Who are the kohanim-levi’im sons of Tzadok?

ירושלים החדשה – The new Jerusalem will be approximately 70 Kilometers to the south of the bet hamikdash.
The Kohanim sons of Tzadok (Hebrew: הכהנים בני צדוק) are a family of Kohanim who are of patrilineal descent from Tzadok, the first Kohen Gadol to serve in the first temple. Based on the prophecy of Yechezkel, this specific Kohanic family proved themselves loyal to hakadosh baruch hu in terms of not submitting to the then popular theme of avoda zarah -as did the general population of Jerusalem as well as the Kohanim.
The book of Yechezkel details that the family line of Kohanim, sons of Tzadok, will execute the primary services in The Third Temple. According to Masorah, the choosing and appointing of the Kohen Gadol depends on the appointee being of the progeny of Tzadok[3]. As well, the Jewish establishment of the Second Temple -upon return from Babylonian exile- included this specific prerequisite of the Kohen Gadol being a descendent of Tzadok kohen gadol.

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