Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg’s stark teshuva

The responsa of Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg concurs that the mitzvah of giving זרוע לחיים וקיבה to the kohen in חוצה לארץ is active;

As the foreleg cheeks and abomasum is acted on outside the land of Israel and the entire of congregation Israel will do it.

-Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg

The great length of Rabbi Meir’s responsa gives the unmistaking impression of tosafist analysis and is completely in line with the testimonies of the Mordechai, the Ro”sh and the Tashbe”tz.{{1}} To view an English translation click here: Translated responsa of Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg


Image gallery

Four Turim, hilchot matnot kehuna, constantinople 1493

Constantinople 5254 (1493), Arba’ah Turim listing Rabbi Meir of Rothenbergs opinion on giving the foreleg cheeks and abomasum to the kohen (click to enlarge).

Original print of ארבעה טורים text on the halachos of giving the foreleg cheeks and abomasum (“matanot”) to the kohen

Highlighted text of Tashbe

Highlighted text from Tashbe”tz kattan of rabbi shimshon ben tzadok, a disciple of rabbi meir of rothenberg who recorded the halacha directives of his rabbi.












[[1]]There has been two versions as to the Mahara”m of Rothenberg’s opinion as to giving the foreleg cheeks and abomasum to the kohen outside of Israel.

The text of all published versions of rabbi Yaakov baal HaTurim’s ארבעה טורים reads that the mahar”m absolved the mitzvah in חוצה לארץ (see images)

But, three sources quote rabbi Meir’s opinion as the exact opposite, by writing that the Maharam was adamant about doing this mitzvah in חוצה לארץ; the Mordechai, the Ro”sh (the father of rabbi Yaakov baal HaTurim!), and Shimshon ben Tzadok (the Tashbe”tz).

So, what happened here? was there a printing error in the first edition of arba’ah turim that mislead all subsequent printings?

Based on today’s (Ellul, 5772) information, there is no telling for sure. The first print edition of Arba’ah turim was printed in Piove di Sacco, Italy in 5235 (1474). With the Arba’ah turim being the second (after tanach) hebrew work to be printed (following the invention of the printing press), it is understood that this work was and still is highly important and respected by שומרי תורה ומצוות worldwide.

There are some original manuscripts of the arba’ah turim housed in libraries that where used from when Rabbi Yaakov baal HaTurim finished his work in 5100 (1340) until its first printing 135 years later. The British library has one of these manuscripts and has published some images of its cover page.[[1]]



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